Funky Olive's Top 5 Wedding Wedding Planning Tips

Hola! Julianne with Funky Olive here!


I am not the best at many things in life, but if there's one thing I know, after 6 plus years in the biz, is anything and everything wedding + wedding planning. And as someone who likes to regularly binge watch trashy TV + take ridiculously long naps - I  am ALWAYS on the hunt for any type of pro-tip or life hack to maximize my chill-axin time.  Me and my fab #girlsquad at the Funky Olive decided we better share a couple of our bite size gold nuggets of wedding hints with you all-  because sharing is caring!

Here is our short, PT 1, iteration of wedding hints for you to peruse in your jammies. We are hell bent on making your #weddingplanning vibes just a little bit sweeter. 

Weddings Pro-Tips pt.1:

1.      Guest List! Figure out the total number of guests, then the total number of households, and gather their current addresses FIRST. Not only will you be way ahead of the game in terms of your stationery appt but you will also just be ahead of the game in life because you’ll have an all inclusive address list for "Thank You’s" and future Holiday mailings for the REST OF TIME. Look at you #adulting and such! Your venue size will be based on your guest list size, ensuring you’ll have ample space for everyone to fit at that venue comfortably.  But keep in mind; your invitations are the ONLY part of wedding planning where your order amounts are based on the number of households, rather than individual guests. You're not going to need 1 invitation per guest - most invitations will cover at least 2 guests, and some may cover 6 or more! Check out our super simple "how to" post on setting this all up here: 


2.      Let It Go! For larger weddings – hire a planner to reduce your stress and increase your enjoyment. Planners often have the insider scoop on venues and vendors. They can tell you from experience, who is dependable, and who is worth avoiding. Pro-Tip: If you can’t afford a full-service planner, consider budgeting for a Month-Of Planner instead.

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3.     Mind Your Location! So you’ve picked your wedding date and location, it’s getting real now! But keep in mind the weather that comes along with wherever you are getting married. Is there a chance of a blizzard, monsoon, or very hot, dry weather? If your wedding is outside, planning ahead for any surprises will save you from scrambling on the day of. Is there a big event in town on your date? Hotels may be harder to find and prices may be higher. Is it a Holiday weekend? Plan for airfare for out of town guests being higher priced. And if you are in between choosing venues, I have found this super nifty wedding venue comparison chart  for you via "Off Beat Bride" nothing like some type A, super organized activities to help you finally get some important shiz done. (just click the picture below)

4.     Size Does Matter! When thinking about invitations, keep in mind certain unorthodox dimensions can add extra postage to your budget. For example, square invitations require special postage. Anything that adds extra height, or a bump in an envelope will add postage as well, like all those gorgeous wax seals we all love (but it's totes worth it!) Always check with your local post office ahead of time so they can weigh a finished invitation suite to give you an idea of postage cost, and size limitations.



5.     Show Me The Money! Gather all your funds, at least on paper, and allocate them accordingly. Make sure to leave a cushion for unexpected bumps in the road. Stay within your budget, that way you don’t end up with a credit-card-statement-hangover after you return home from your fabulous honeymoon, and back to reality. And have no fear- I got you covered with yet another super easy Wedding budget calculator below!


Stay tuned for more Wedding Planning hints + Magic! We'll be back (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)

Happy Wedding Planning! Love Julianne, Funky Olive Invitations & Stationery